Stuttering treatment experiences

iskustva_vorobjev_mucanje_thumbDunja P.
Everything started getting better from the last stutter therapy: Increased school activity, expanding the friend’s circle, improvement of self-esteem. People notice  that her speech improved, so there is no more discomfort when trying to verbalize something, and conversation starts to be enjoyable.


utisci_terapije_vorobjev_mucanje_thumbJovan D.

Less stuttering  from the meeting with Dr Vorobiev. Much better results in school, no panic when addressing the classroom, improved speech and communication with friends.



vorobjev_vezbe_mucanja_thumbNevena M.

Her environment started noticing how her speech improved thank to the regular exercises. I practiced regularly. Everyone told me that my speech improved, but I didn’t notice it. One time I went to a casting. I got very nervous, but remembered what the doctor said. I took a deep breath and exhaled. I was concentrated on my speech, and imagined as if there was no one in front of me, just empty chairs. It was beautiful, it was the first time that I was on the stage and didn’t stutter.


From my last visit to the doctor, my speech improved significantly and I fell so much freer and relaxed, ready to enter any conversation. I practiced every day as much as I could. After the first therapy I had a great desire to communicate with people and I am so happy about that. Most of my speech problems appear when I don’t get enough sleep or when I am tired.
